Why Buy a Pontoon Pump Station With a Fish Screen?

Posted on: 11 November 2021


If you need to install a pontoon pump station in a natural body of water, then it's worth considering adding a fish screen to the mix. These screens prevent fish and other marine creatures from getting caught up in the pump's parts as it works. What are the benefits of buying a station with built-in screening?

Protect Environmental Biodiversity

When you use pumps in natural watercourses, you have to think about how your operations will affect living creatures in the area. The environmental impact you make matters.

For example, you might have formal regulations to follow to protect endangered species. Or you might simply want to avoid harming the biodiversity mix in the area of water in which you'll work. If you try to make your business as environmentally-conscious as possible, then you won't want to do unnecessary harm.

If you use an unscreened pontoon pump station, then you run the risk of harming fish and other creatures. They might get pulled into the pump and die. You could deplete the number of fish in the water and have adverse effects on its biodiversity.

If you buy a pump with a fish screen, then you won't cause any problems. The screen prevents fish from being pulled into any of the pump's parts. If you check out the natural life in the water before you buy a pump, you can also use mesh that is a suitable size to protect smaller living creatures in the immediate area.

Protect Your Pump

Your pontoon pump station could also get damaged if it pulls in anything. Fish, other marine creatures and even plants can clog up your system. You might have to spend time and money clearing out anything that blocks the station and prevents it from working. Plus, if your pump has to deal with debris in the water, then it has to work harder. This stress could damage the pump's parts and reduce its longevity.

If your pump has a built-in fish screen, then you create an automatic barrier. You won't have to shut down operations to clear out blockages. Your pump won't suffer from undue stress. It won't overheat or break down because it has to handle more than just water. The screen will save you time and money. Your pumping operations will run smoothly, and your station will last for longer.

To learn more, contact pontoon pump station suppliers in your area.